Package-level declarations


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sealed class ChipDecoration

Represents an icon or image displayed before or after a SourceChip's text.

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Object defining the styling information for the base chip.

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object SourceChip

Object defining property models for SourceChips.


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fun SourceBaseChip(    height: Dp,     style: SourceBaseChip.Style,     onClick: () -> Unit,     modifier: Modifier = Modifier,     allowsMultiSelection: Boolean = false,     onClickLabel: String? = null,     badge: @Composable () -> Unit? = null,     content: @Composable RowScope.() -> Unit)

Composable function to render a customizable chip component with optional badge..

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fun SourceChip(    text: String,     isSelected: Boolean,     size: SourceChip.Size,     showBadge: Boolean,     onClick: () -> Unit,     modifier: Modifier = Modifier,     style: SourceChip.Style = SourceChip.Style.Default,     onClickLabel: String? = null,     iconOrImage: ChipDecoration = ChipDecoration.None)

Single-selection variant of the SourceChip component. This chip is designed to be used in a row of chips where only one chip can be selected at a time.

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fun SourceChipSupportingButton(    text: String,     size: SourceChip.Size,     onClick: () -> Unit,     modifier: Modifier = Modifier,     style: SourceChip.Style = SourceChip.Style.SupportingButton,     iconOrImage: ChipDecoration = ChipDecoration.None)

Displays a SourceChip component that acts as a button. This button is designed to be used inline with a row of chips.

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fun SourceMultiSelectChip(    text: String,     isSelected: Boolean,     size: SourceChip.Size,     showBadge: Boolean,     onClick: () -> Unit,     modifier: Modifier = Modifier,     style: SourceChip.Style = SourceChip.Style.Default,     onClickLabel: String? = null,     iconOrImage: ChipDecoration = ChipDecoration.None)

Multi-select version of the SourceChip component. This chip is designed to be used in a row of chips where multiple chips can be selected at once. When isSelected is true, a check icon will be displayed after the title.